• AWS Technical Speakers

    As a technical speaker specially invited by AWS, share cloud native and digital technologies with experts and customers.

    Click here for details

  • Lead team to launch products

    Led the team to complete the release of China's first cloud-native-based DoE software product, a business product with completely independent design, independent algorithm and independent architecture.

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  • Guest of the White Hat Conference

    In 2022, as a guest of Qi Anxin's "BuTian" White Hat Conference.

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  • Guest of the "KanXue" Security Developer Technical Conference

    In 2022, as a guest of the "KanXue" Security Developer Technical Conference.KanXue Online Forum is a well-known technology community in China.

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  • Speaker of the Enterprise Digital Transformation Conference

    Participate in the Enterprise Digital Transformation Conference organized by Shanghai Lingang District Government as a special VIP and technical speaker.

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  • Guest of a rock band in Beijing on tour

    As a guest, attend the performance of a rock band under Beijing DDC at Shanghai YuYinTang LiveHouse.

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  • Guest of CIS 2020 Cybersecurity Innovation Technology Conference

    CIS 2020 Network Security Innovation Technology Conference is organized by FreeBuf, the largest community of network security technology practitioners in China.

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  • Guest of 2020 Cyber Security Conference

    As a special guest of the 3rd National Information Security Entrepreneur Summit Forum and the 5th SSC Security Summit

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  • Special guest at the Zero Trust Security Salon

    As a special guest of the Zero Trust Security Salon, discuss zero trust, privacy protection, data protection and IT security strategies with many technical and security experts.

    Click here for details

  • Guest of the CIO Leaders Innovation Conference.

    As a guest of the CIO Leaders Innovation Conference, the topic of the conference is how to go from CIO to CAIO (Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer).

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  • Organize Information Construction Technology Salon

    As an organizer, I successfully organized the enterprise information construction technology salon of One-Zero Technology Club, and invited many experts from Alibaba, Ele.me and listed e-commerce groups to share and discuss technical topics.

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  • #Certification: Computer Science Intermediate Professional Technical Certificate

    Obtained the Computer Science and Information Technology Application Intermediate Professional Technical Certificate issued by The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality

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  • Organize cyber security education industry conference

    As the co-founder of Wandou Technology, held a cybersecurity education conference with Tencent Technology.

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  • As a technical speaker at the 5th National Security Week of Jiangxi Province

    As a distinguished guest speaker at the 5th Jiangxi Province National Network Security Publicity Week and the 3rd Ziyang Lake Technology Forum, I had the honor of sharing my expertise on information security technologies with esteemed government leaders, technology company experts, and research institutions on a global scale.

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  • Guest of the 3rd SSC Security Summit.

    As the guest of the 3rd SSC Security Summit.第三届SSC安全峰会 “智御安全•洞鉴未来”

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  • #Organizer, SecMind Security Salon: Blockchain Encounters Network Security

    Organizer, SecMind Security Salon: Blockchain Encounters Network Security

    Click here for details

  • Guest of the 2018 "KanXue" Technology development conference

    Guest of the 2018 "KanXue" Technology development conference

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  • Award: Won the "Smart Craftsman" Innovation Studio

    Awarded the "Smart Craftsman" Innovation Studio by the Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Work System Trade Union Work Committee

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  • Guest of the 2nd SSC Security Summit.

    As the guest of the 2nd SSC Security Summit.第二届SSC安全峰会.

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  • Guest of the first ELEME Information Security Summit

    Guest of the first ELEME Information Security Summit(饿了么第一届信息安全峰会)

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  • Guest of the FreeBuf FIT Internet Security Innovation Technology Conference

    Guest of the FreeBuf FIT Internet Security Innovation Technology Conference

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  • Guest of the FreeBuf FIT Internet Security Innovation Technology Conference

    Guest of the FreeBuf FIT Internet Security Innovation Technology Conference

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  • Participated in organizing the FSI "Cybercrime Scene Investigation" technical conference.

    As the organizer team, participated in organizing the FSI "Cybercrime Scene Investigation" technical conference.

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  • #Organizer: organize offline public classes for SecMind technology salons.

    SecMind Technology Salon is a technology club that focuses on internet technology and information security. I conducted a series of technical topic salons and offline public classes.

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  • #Organizer: SecMind Security Salon - Open Security Vision

    Organizer: SecMind Security Salon - Open Security Vision

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  • Participated in organizing the FSI 2015 technical conference.

    As the organizer team, Participated in organizing the FSI 2015 technical conference.

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  • #Organizer: IDF Hacker Culture and Technology Salon Issue 29: Mobile internet security Salon

    As the operational leader of IDF Technology Laboratory in Shanghai, I oversee technical research while also spearheading the organization of salons and technical activities throughout the Shanghai region.
    IDF黑客文化沙龙第二十九期:移动互联网安全专题沙龙 (上海)

    Click here for details

  • #Organizer: SecMind Security Salon - Open Security Vision

    As the operational leader of IDF Technology Laboratory in Shanghai, I oversee technical research while also spearheading the organization of salons and technical activities throughout the Shanghai region.
    IDF黑客文化沙龙第二十三期:漫谈移动应用安全性 (上海)

    Click here for details

  • #Organizer: IDF Hacker Culture Salon Issue 19: Taiwan's Open Source and Hacker Community

    As the operational leader of IDF Technology Laboratory in Shanghai, I oversee technical research while also spearheading the organization of salons and technical activities throughout the Shanghai region.
    IDF黑客文化沙龙第十九期:台湾开源与黑客社区 (上海)

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